Sunday, June 6, 2010


***We are so committed to our promise to get you more dates that we have driven around Gulf Breeze, Florida for 30 minutes searching for a strong, unsecured wi-fi connection at 10:30 on a Sunday night!  We are sitting outside someone's house...  And we are loading these chapters.  This week is special.  We are giving you two chapters.  Here they are...  Please let us know what you think!***

Those of us who follow Christ know that we are created for something great, much greater than wealth, popularity, family, friends, beauty, etc.  We are created to lift God up, show the world how great He is and make His name famous where He is unknown.  We also know that most of us were not created to do this alone in life, nor do we want to!  We want to share this crazy adventure of following after Christ with wild abandon with someone who challenges, inspires and wants us.
So how do we go about finding this person who will partner with us in life?  It’s not easy for anyone, and it is especially difficult in the Christian world.  Over the past decade or so a number of books have been written about finding your God-loving man in today’s world through courtship.  While we have no commentary or criticism for this philosophy, that’s not what this book is about.  There are other routes that can be followed to find your husband as well, such as arranged marriages, but we don’t live in India so that is not what we are writing about either!  We have found that in the United States and increasingly around the world, singles operate in cultures of neither courtship nor arranged marriages but dating.  And this leads to the question that so many singles don’t even know that they need to ask:  HOW do you navigate dating SUCCESSFULLY (meaning minimizing heartache while finding your Mr. Right) in a way that demonstrates your love for God?
Leslie and I have navigated these waters ourselves.  We both followed the principles that we will be sharing with you to varying degrees.  We did some things right and some things wrong.  We learned a great deal from ladies older and wiser than ourselves and learned just as much watching our friends as they made these mistakes.  After having hundreds of conversations with women just like you, we were tired of hearing ourselves talk and decided to write it down.  (We are fully convinced these principles are good and effective, however if you choose not to follow them we in no way believe you are in sin.)  Our hope is that through the wisdom we’ve learned and will share with you, you will enjoy this single time in your life by meeting lots of people, going on lots of dates and avoiding unnecessary heartbreak.*  
Get some girlfriends together to read this book with you (it will be much easier and more enjoyable to learn and follow these principles if you do it with other people) and join us as we discuss the mistakes girls make and learn how to navigate the dating waters with confidence, success and fun!
*Please know that there is no way to find a husband without risk.  Some people think entering into an arranged marriage is risk free.  Yet, even in arranged marriages things can fall through before the wedding and there is disappointment.  Some people think they will never have heartbreak if they go the route of courtship.  While we are not discouraging courtship, please know that many people in courtships get their hearts broken and sometimes the collateral damage to families in failed courtships is even greater than in failed dating relationships.

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